Bundling ChromeDriver with your test code

This post will just exemplify one way of maintaining the chrome drivers used for running automated tests with WebDriver and the Chrome browser without having to update and install the ChromeDriver to all possible nodes where tests will be running. The ChromeDriver will simply be bundled with the running tests and put under source control as for all other test ware.

Downloading links

Start by putting the the drivers under the resource folder so that they will be picked up by Maven per default.

<project root>/src/main/resources/chromedriver/mac/chromedriver
<project root>/src/main/resources/chromedriver/windows/chromedriver.exe

There are of course different drivers for different OS types and this needs to be handled using the os.name system property.

As per the ChromeDriver usage instructions (here) a system property has to be set pointing to the ChromeDriver server to use for the Chrome browser bridging. We will not point to a fixed location in the file system, instead well get the path by using the Class.getResource which will enable us to bundle ChromeDriver inside our test framework even if it is bundled into a jar file.

Basically what should be done are the following steps.

  • Determine OS type
  • Get the Chrome Driver resource and make sure it is executable using File.setExecutable(true). This is due to when packaged in a jar the execution attributes ‘x’ will be removed on Mac (and assumed on Linux too).
  • Set the “web driver.chrome.driver” system property.
  • Check that a Chrome installation exists in the default location [OPTIONAL]
private static WebDriver driver = null;
// The ChromeDriver locations under the resource folder
private static String MAC_DRIVER = "/chromedriver/mac/chromedriver";
private static String WINDOWS_DRIVER = "/chromedriver/windows/chromedriver.exe";

public static void setupChromeDriver() {
   // OS type
   if (System.getProperty("os.name").contains("Mac")) {
      File cDriver = new File(Tester.class.getResource(MAC_DRIVER).getFile());

      // Is it executable
      if (!cDriver.canExecute()) {
      System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", Tester.class.getResource(MAC_DRIVER).getFile());

      // Now checking for existence of Chrome executable.'
      if (!new File("/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome").exists()) {
         throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
   } else {
      System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", Tester.class.getResource(WINDOWS_DRIVER).getFile());

      // Now checking for existence of Chrome executable.'
      if (!new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe").exists()) {
         throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);

   ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
   driver = new ChromeDriver(options);

Test case example
Pretty straight on from here, setup WebDriver through the implemented method above and run a simple open page test to see that things worked out.

private static WebDriver driver = null;
public static void setupChromeDriver(){

public static void setupTestClass() throws Exception {

public void demoTestCase() throws Exception {